By Julie Ford on August 10, 2023
2 minute read

A global workplace well-being crisis rages on, heightening the spotlight on organizations' internal communications teams. Uplifting business performance, enhancing employee engagement, and mitigating turnover relies heavily on successful tackling of this crisis. Let’s delve into the numbers that demonstrate this urgency.  

Surprising Statistics on Employee Well-Being 

  • Surveys indicate a staggering 83% of American workers experience work-related stress, a troubling figure implying not just personal turmoil, but also implications on organizational productivity, according to the American Institute of Stress.  
  • World Health Organization (WHO) reports paint a disconcerting picture: 264 million people worldwide are grappling with work-related depression and anxiety. These mental health issues disrupt lives and hurt businesses in equal measure. 
  • Mental health complications at work result in a $1 trillion (about $3,100 per person in the US) per year hit to the global economy, due to impaired productivity, according to the WHO. 

Employee mental health has moved far past being a personal issue. It's a business-centric concern influencing factors from efficiency, engagement, to finances. 

How Internal Commnications Teams Can Help 

The encouraging news in this otherwise grim situation? Internal comms teams, with purposeful strategies, can have a transformative impact on employee wellbeing. Here’s how:

1. Advocate Open Conversations

Building a work environment that fosters open dialogues about mental health should be the first step. By hosting regular town halls, workshops, and forums, you can normalize these discussions, breaking down stigmas and creating a more empathetic and supportive work culture. 

2. Distribute Empathetic Content

Your content strategy should be led by compassion. Feature mental health resources prominently, share personal stories of overcoming struggles, or initiate a dedicated wellness column. Encourage mental health discussions and reinforce the availability of assistance prominently and regularly. 

3. Manage Information Flow

The avalanche of information employees contend with is a significant stress source. Internal communications teams can help by aptly managing the volume and quality of content received by employees, thus reducing chances of overwhelm and stress. 

4. Encourage Employee Feedback

Establishing channels for employees to voice their experiences and concerns is crucial. Regular surveys, accessible suggestion boxes, and virtual Q&A sessions not only create a feedback loop for continuous improvement but also give employees a sense of being heard and valued. 

5. Champion Cross-departmental Collaboration

Collaborate with HR and managerial teams to roll out comprehensive wellbeing initiatives. Ensure these programs are communicated effectively and their significance is emphasized, reinforcing your organization's commitment to employee wellbeing. 

As internal communications professionals, exploring new strategies and tools to improve employees' mental health comes with the territory. Facilitating open dialogues, promoting useful resources, and championing employee-feedback mechanisms can set a new precedent for employee wellbeing. 

After all, it's not just about employees' health—it's about fostering a work culture that supports holistic wellbeing, thus boosting business performance, engagement, and morale. Let's harness our unique role in organizations to ensure a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment.  

What’s Next?   

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BLOG POST TAGS: Internal communications Internal comms platform business communication

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