By Julie Ford on April 23, 2024
2 minute read

In the energy industry, particularly within the oil and gas sectors, efficient and effective internal communication is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity.

A significant portion of the workforce in these sectors consists of deskless workers, such as field technicians, drillers, and engineers, who are often stationed in remote, challenging environments.  

The lack of a robust employee communication app for these deskless workers can pose serious risks to operational efficiency, safety, and employee engagement. Here, we explore the critical dangers associated with neglecting this aspect of communication infrastructure.  

1. Safety Risks

In the oil, gas, and energy sectors, safety is paramount. Deskless workers frequently operate in hazardous conditions where the risk of accidents is high. Effective communication tools ensure that these workers receive real-time updates about safety protocols, weather conditions, and potential hazards instantly. Without a dedicated communication app, critical information may be delayed or lost in transmission, potentially leading to accidents and injuries. Implementing an app that provides immediate, reliable communication can literally be a lifesaver, facilitating swift evacuation procedures or urgent safety alerts. 

2. Decreased Operational Efficiency

Deskless workers are the backbone of field operations in the energy industry. Their ability to access real-time data, communicate quickly with the control center, and receive immediate feedback is crucial for the smooth operation of energy projects. Without an efficient communication tool, there can be significant delays in reporting and resolving issues, which may lead to downtime and loss of productivity. An app tailored to the needs of these workers can streamline processes, reduce downtime, and significantly enhance operational efficiency by ensuring that critical information is just a tap away.  

3. Low Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

Workers often report feeling isolated and disconnected from the broader organizational culture because they are physically removed from corporate offices and, consequently, from the main channels of corporate communication. Lack of an effective communication app can exacerbate this disconnection, leading to lower job satisfaction, decreased morale, and a high turnover rate. A well-designed app can bridge this gap by including these workers in company-wide announcements, feedback loops, and social interactions, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty.  

4. Hindered Crisis Management

The nature of the energy sector demands a rapid response to crises, such as oil spills, gas leaks, or power failures. In such scenarios, having a dedicated communication channel that can instantly reach all employees is crucial. Without it, coordinating a swift, effective response becomes challenging, potentially exacerbating the crisis. An employee communication app ensures that all hands on deck are informed and aligned with recovery strategies and action plans, thus mitigating further damage.  

5. Compliance Issues

Regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of the energy sector. Failing to maintain and document clear lines of communication can lead to non-compliance with industry standards and regulations, which can result in hefty fines and legal consequences. An employee communication app not only facilitates the dissemination of compliance-related information but can also serve as a record-keeping tool that logs communications for auditing purposes. 

Investing in a robust employee communication app is no longer an option but a necessity in the oil, gas, and energy sectors, particularly for the safety and efficiency of deskless workers. These apps play a critical role in mitigating risks associated with safety, efficiency, employee engagement, crisis management, and compliance.  

Companies in the energy sector must prioritize the development and deployment of effective communication tools to ensure that their deskless workforce is safe, informed, and connected, regardless of their physical location. In doing so, they not only protect their employees but also enhance their operational capabilities and maintain their competitive edge in a challenging industry. 

Embark on the journey toward communication excellence with a Free 30-minute Internal Communications Consultation from Sparrow Connected to learn more. 


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BLOG POST TAGS: Employee Communication oil & energy energy sector

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