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Julie Ford

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The Critical Role of Multilingual Communication in the Oil & Gas Sector

With operations spanning multiple countries and a workforce comprising various linguistic backgrounds,

10 Essential Employee Engagement Tips for Retail Internal Comms

Staying informed and agile is key for internal communications professionals in retail. To help, here are ten essential tips that every retail internal com...

How Company Culture Enhances Employee Engagement in the Insurance Industry

A thriving culture not only boosts employee engagement but also drives business success.

Benefits of Shifting to an Employee-First Approach to Internal Comms in Your Insurance Company

With its complex processes and constant regulatory changes, the insurance industry often demands meticulous attention to detail and seamless communication...

Internal Comms Best Practices for Navigating Leadership Changes in Oil & Gas Companies

The oil and gas industry is no stranger to change and volatility.

10 Tips for Effective Internal Comms During a Municipal Election Year

During a municipal election year, internal communications professionals face unique challenges and opportunities.

8 Benefits of Integrating AI into Content Creation in the Retail Industry

In the retail industry, the ability to craft and distribute compelling content can make the difference between a motivated,

Addressing Workplace Burnout in the Oil and Gas Industry

In the oil and gas industry, the pressure to maintain productivity, safety, and efficiency is immense. Employees are often working in challenging environm...

Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Municipalities with Deskless Workers

In municipalities, where a significant portion of the workforce may be deskless or remote, creating an equitable and inclusive environment poses distinct ...

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